Mission Statement
We will provide the very best possible education and training for every student and ensure that all succeed well enough in school to go to university or to a career of their choice. We value excellent teaching, underpinned by sound continuous professional development of all our staff.
We believe in achievement in its broadest sense. We know that success in English, Maths, the Sciences and the Humanities play a vital role is securing raised aspirations and we will prioritise success in these areas. We know from experience that enjoyment enhances success and we will use our excellence in the Character Education, the Performing Arts and Sports as drivers for raising achievement, securing student enjoyment and engagement, enhancing community cohesion.
We want our students to have high aspirations for their own futures and within society. We want our students to develop leadership skills and lead their lives to its full potential. We nurture and challenge our students to take responsibility for their learning, make decisions and grow into accomplished citizens of the world in the 21st century. The development of leadership skills is at the the heart of how we will raise aspirations and achievements for all.
Our Trust emerged in 2013 from the need to support a neighbouring school and has thrived on the benefits which partnership working brings. The schools in the Ortu Federation are united by:
- a shared vision and shared objectives and values
- a relentless focus on exceptional quality of learning and teaching
- joint working in key areas as student leadership, staff professional development and pedagogy
- developing skills, the raising of aspirations, and
- parent and community empowerment
We are very proud of the achievements of the Ortu Federation. We know that this model works and is socially sustainable. We enjoy welcoming visitors to all our Academies. Please contact us if you would like more information. Thank you for your interest and we hope you find this website helpful.